Assets, equity, liabilities and financial results of
Purpose of the DSO: formation of information on the financial state of enterprises for the analysis of the financial and econom
Purpose of the DSO: formation of information on the financial state of enterprises for the analysis of the financial and econom
Purpose of SSO: Ensuring the necessary completeness of coverage of statistical units that are subject to observation, for the formation of a general list of observation units, gene
The purpose of DSO: formation of information on the characteristics of educational institutions, as well as scientific institutions that prepare higher education candidates for the
The purpose of the DSO: Formation of information on the financing of the education system
The purpose of the SSO: obtaining data on changes that occurred in the general population of enterprises during the year to carry out a detailed analysis of the number of acti
The purpose of the DSO: formation of information on the structure of economic entities by types of economic activity and size for the information support of the analysis of the str