Arrival of agricultural animals to processing

    The purpose of the SSO: formation of information on the arrival of live agricultural animals at processing enterprises, for information support of drawing up food balances, analysis of the meat market


    SSO Unit:


    • legal entity


    Basic statistical indicators:

    • the number of live agricultural animals purchased by processing enterprises
    • mass of live agricultural animals purchased by processing enterprises
    • the number of live agricultural animals bought by processing enterprises from the population
    • the number of live agricultural animals bought by processing enterprises from enterprises
    • the mass of live agricultural animals bought by processing enterprises from the population
    • mass of live agricultural animals bought by processing enterprises from enterprises
    • the weight of live agricultural animals purchased by processing enterprises, in terms of slaughter weight
    • the mass of live agricultural animals sent for processing to processing enterprises on the Davalnytskyi basis
    • the mass of live agricultural animals that were sent for processing to processing enterprises, which were grown by themselves
    • the average price of 1 ton of the mass of live agricultural animals purchased by processing enterprises
    • average price of 1 head of live agricultural animals bought by processing enterprises
    • average weight of 1 head of live agricultural animals purchased from processing enterprises
    • the average price of 1 ton of the mass of live agricultural animals bought by processing enterprises from the population
    • the average price of 1 ton of the mass of live agricultural animals bought by processing enterprises from enterprises
    • average price of 1 head of live agricultural animals bought by processing enterprises from the population
    • average price of 1 head of live agricultural animals bought by processing enterprises from enterprises
    • average weight of 1 head of live agricultural animals bought by processing enterprises from the population
    • average weight of 1 head of live agricultural animals bought by processing enterprises from enterprises
    • the total weight of live agricultural animals received by processing enterprises
    Power BI

    Джерела статистичної інформації:  

    Reporting forms:

    • Reporting form No. 11-zag (quarterly) "Report on the arrival of agricultural animals at processing enterprises"




    International regulations:



    Yurii Oleksiyovych Bugutskyi
    Department of Agriculture and Environment Statistics
    +38(044) 287-23-22  

    Official state statistical information that has not yet been uploaded to the Data Bank. Subsequently, all indicators will be available in the Data Bank.