Collective accommodation

    Purpose of the SSO: Formation of information about characteristics of сollective accommodation facilities, the number of people who stayed in them, for information provision of analysis of the state of the tourism industry, compilation of a tourism satellite account.


    Reporting (accounting) unit:

    • legal entity
    • separate subdivision of a legal entity
    • individual entrepreneur


    SSO units:

    • local unit by type of economic activity


    Basic statistical indicators:

    • number of collective accommodation facilities (legal entities, separate subdivisions of legal entities)
    • number of places in collective accommodation facilities (legal entities, separate subdivisions of legal entities)
    • number of rooms in hotels and similar means of accommodation (legal entities, separate subdivisions of legal entities); the number of persons who were in collective accommodation facilities (legal entities, separate subdivisions of legal entities); number of overnight stays in collective accommodation facilities (legal entities, separate subdivisions of legal entities)
    • number of collective accommodation facilities (natural persons-entrepreneurs)
    • the number of places in collective accommodation facilities (natural persons-entrepreneurs); number of rooms in hotels and similar means of accommodation (natural persons-entrepreneurs)
    • the number of persons who were in collective accommodation facilities (natural persons-entrepreneurs)
    • number of overnight stays in collective accommodation facilities (natural persons-entrepreneurs)
    Power BI

    Sources of statistical information

    Reporting forms:

    • № 1-KZR (annual) "Report on the activities of the collective means of accommodation"

    State statistical observations:

    • "Structural changes in the economy of Ukraine and its regions"
    • "Assets, equity, liabilities and financial results of enterprises"
    • "Register of statistical units"

    Administrative data:

    • State Tax Service





    • Regulation (EC) No. 692/2011 of the European Parliament and the Council of July 6, 2011, concerning European tourism statistics.


    Oksana Oleksandrivna Senyk
    Department of Social Statistics
    044 287-33-45