Households living conditions

    The purpose of the state statistical observation (SSO): Formation of information on socio-demographic characteristics, conditions and standard of living of households for a comprehensive study of the well-being of various social groups, issues of poverty and meeting the needs of users


    SSO unit:

    • household
    • person


    Main statistical indicators:

    • monetary expenditures of households, including consumer and non-consumer monetary expenditures
    • monetary expenditure of households on food
    • aggregate expenditures of households, including consumer, non-consumer aggregate expenditures
    • aggregate expenditure of households on food
    • aggregate household resources, including monetary, non-monetary, total household income
    • concentration coefficient (Gini index) on monetary, general incomes
    • decile coefficient of differentiation of monetary, general incomes of the population
    • ratio of monetary and total incomes of 10% of the most and least well-off population (decile ratio of funds)
    • ratio of monetary and total incomes of 20% of the most and least well-off population (quintile ratio of funds)
    • ratio of growth rates of average per capita equivalent monetary, total incomes of 40% of the least well-off and the entire population
    • share of monetary and general incomes of 40% of the least well-off in all monetary and general
    • income of the population
    • volume of food consumption in households
    • share of consumed food produced in personal subsidiary farms
    • energy value of food consumed in households; the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in food consumed in households
    • number of households, including the number of surveyed households
    • average household size
    • average equivalent household size
    • number of people living in households
    • number of persons who reported that they had been ill in the last 12 months
    • number of people who reported having a chronic (6 months or more) illness or health problem
    • number of people who reported seeking medical care in the past 12 months
    • number of women aged 15 and over living in households
    • number of women aged 15 and older who gave birth
    • number of persons aged 12 years and older who reported smoking
    • share of households with Internet access at home
    • number of households whose income level during the last year did not allow to provide even sufficient food
    • number of households with children
    • share of households with children consisting only of children and non-working pensioners in the
    • total number of households with children
    • number of households with children who do not have one or both parents
    • number of households without children
    • average number of working people per household, the coefficient of economic burden on a working member of the household
    • the number of households according to the degree of satisfaction with their living conditions
    • average size of living space per person
    • share of the population living in overcrowded housing
    • share of the population that has convenient access to public transport in the total population
    • share of children under the age of 18 living in overcrowded housing
    • number of households by type of main water source they use
    • share of households that keep livestock, poultry and bees
    • average land area (hectares) used by one household (among households with plots of land)
    • number of households that have plots of land
    • average weight of a person, average height of a person
    • body mass index
    • share of the population aged 6 years and older who are engaged in physical culture and sports
    • average number of durable goods per 100 households
    • number of households by availability of durable goods, the share of households that suffered from certain manifestations of poverty and deprivation;
    • share of households that suffered from certain manifestations of poverty and deprivation;
    • share of the population living in households suffering from certain manifestations of poverty and deprivation;
    • share of the population living in households with 3 or 4 or more signs of deprivation out of 9
    Power BI
    Quality reports


    Reporting forms: 

    • № 1-OUZHD (quarterly) "Control card of the composition of the household"
    • № 2-OUZHD (annual) "Questionnaire of the main interview"
    • № 3-OUZHD (twice a quarter) "Diary of current household expenses"
    • № 4-OUZHD (quarterly) "Journal of quarterly expenses"
    • № 5-OUZHD (quarterly) "Quarterly questionnaire about expenses and income of the household"
    • Survey № 1 (quarterly) "Construction and repair"
    • Survey № 2 (bi-annually) "Health status of household members. Availability of durable goods/Access of households to certain goods and services"
    • Survey № 3 (annual) "Self-assessment of household income. Access of households to information and communication technologies"


    • SSO "Population and natural movement"  




    International and European norms and standards 

    EU regulation: 

    Contacts (head of DSS):

    Matviienko Ksenia Yuriivna 

    Household Survey Department

    +38 (044) 234-32-13 

    Official state statistical information that has not yet been uploaded to the Data Bank. Subsequently, all indicators will be available in the Data Bank.