Quarterly national

    Purpose of SSO: Formation of quarterly information on indicators that characterize production, formation and distribution of income, as well as accumulation of assets for the analysis of the socio-economic development of the country

    SSO unit:

    • institutional unit

    Main statistical indicators:

    • Gross domestic product (in actual prices, in constant prices (nominal GDP), physical volume index (real GDP), deflator index)
    • GDP per capita (in actual prices, physical volume index)
    • GDP per employee (in actual prices, physical volume index)
    • Gross value added (at actual prices, at constant prices, physical volume index, deflator index)
    • Taxes on products (in actual prices, in constant prices, physical volume index, deflator index)
    • Subsidies for products (in actual prices, in constant prices, physical volume index, deflator index)
    • Taxes on production and imports
    • Subsidies for production and import
    • Other taxes excluding subsidies related to production
    • Other taxes related to production
    • Other subsidies related to production
    • Paying employees
    • Salary
    • Employers' actual social security contributions
    • Conditionally calculated employer contributions to social insurance
    • Gross profit, mixed income
    • Final consumer spending (in actual prices, in constant prices, physical volume index, deflator index)
    • Final consumption expenditure of households (in actual prices, in constant prices, physical volume index, deflator index)
    • Final consumer expenditures of the general government sector (individual consumer expenditures, collective consumer expenditures) (in actual prices, in constant prices, physical volume index, deflator index)
    • Final consumer expenditure of non-profit organizations serving households (in actual prices, in constant prices, physical volume index, deflator index)
    • Gross capital accumulation (in actual prices, in constant prices, physical volume index, deflator index)
    • Gross accumulation of fixed capital (in actual prices, in constant prices, physical volume index, deflator index)
    • Change in stocks of tangible working capital (in actual prices, in constant prices, deflator index)
    • Acquisition excluding disposal of values (at actual prices, at constant prices, physical volume index, deflator index)
    • Export of goods and services (in actual prices, in constant prices, physical volume index, deflator index)
    • Import of goods and services (at actual prices, at constant prices, physical volume index, deflator index)
    • Output
    • Intermediate consumption
    • Consumption of fixed capital
    • Net accumulation of fixed capital
    • Net added value
    • Gross balance of primary income
    • Net balance of primary income
    • External balance of goods and services
    • Current external balance
    • Pure internal product
    • Net income, mixed income
    • Gross national income
    • Net national income
    • Gross disposable income
    • Net disposable income
    • Gross savings
    • Net savings
    • Pure lending, pure borrowing
    • Acquisition excluding disposal of non-produced non-financial assets
    • Property income
    • Current taxes on income, property, etc
    • Social insurance contributions
    • Social benefits, except benefits in kind
    • Other current transfers
    • Adjustment for changes in the net value of household assets in non-state pension funds
    • Capital transfers
    • Incomes of the population
    • Social benefits and other current transfers received
    • Social benefits
    • Social transfers in kind
    • Expenses and savings
    • Purchase of goods and services
    • Current taxes on income, property and other current transfers paid
    • Accumulation of non-financial assets
    • Growth of financial assets
    • Increase in cash deposits and savings in securities
    • Savings in foreign currency
    • Loans received excluding repaid (–)
    • Expenditures of the population
    • Disposable income of the population (in actual prices)
    • Available income of the population per person
    • Index of physical volume of real disposable income
    • Available average monthly income per person
    • Net acquisition of financial assets/liabilities
    • Monetary gold and special drawing rights
    • Cash and deposits
    • Debt securities
    • Credits
    • Share capital and shares or units of an investment fund
    • Insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes
    • Derivative financial instruments and employee stock options
    • Other receivables/ payables
    Power BI

    Sources of statistical information:


    • SSO "Survey of enterprises on issues of labor statistics"
    • SSO "Survey of living conditions of households"
    • SSO "Payment by the population of housing and communal services"
    • SSO "Assets, equity, liabilities and financial results of enterprises"
    • SSO "Indicators of economic activity of enterprises in the field of non-financial services"
    • SSO "Sale and stocks of goods in the retail network"
    • SSO "Sale and stocks of goods (products) in wholesale trade"
    • SSO "Capital investments"
    • SSO "Economic accounts of agriculture"
    • SSO "Economic indicators of short-term industry statistics"
    • SSO "Indicators of short-term statistics of production of industrial products by types"
    • SSO "Economic indicators of short-term construction statistics"
    • SSO "Activities of land transport enterprises"
    • SSO "Activities of maritime and inland water transport enterprises"
    • SSO "Activities of air transport enterprises"
    • SSO "Activities of main pipeline transport enterprises"
    • SSO "Monetary and credit and financial statistics"
    • SSO "Foreign trade in goods"
    • SSO "External sector statistics"
    • SSO "Changes in prices (tariffs) for consumer goods (services)"
    • SSO "Price changes of manufacturers of industrial products"
    • SSO "Price changes in construction"


    Administrative data:

    • State Employment Center
    • Treasury
    • Recovery agencies
    • Pension fund
    • NCCPFR
    • Deposit Guarantee Fund of Individuals
    • DPS
    • National Bank


    International and European norms and standards

    EU regulation


    Contacts (head of SSO):

    Dmytro Valentinovych Bilyk
    Department of National Accounts Statistics
    044 287-01-22

    Official state statistical information that has not yet been uploaded to the Data Bank. Subsequently, all indicators will be available in the Data Bank.