Satellite account of social security in

    Purpose of DSO: Formation of information on the financing of the social protection system

    Main statistical indicators:

    • the amount of total expenditures on social protection
    • the amount of funds received for social protection


    Sources of statistical information


    • state statistical observation "Satellite account of health care in Ukraine"

    Administrative data:

    • Pension fund
    • Ministry of Social Policy
    • Social Insurance Fund
    • Fund of compulsory state social insurance in case of unemployment


    The following implementing rules of the Commission contain additional specifications for the implementation of the basic ESSPROS system, pension beneficiary data and quality reports:

    • Commission Regulation (EU) No. 1322/2007 from 12 November 2007 regarding the appropriate formats for transmission, results for transmission and criteria for measuring quality for the ESSPROS core system and the pensioner module.
    • Commission Regulation (EU) No. 10/2008 from 8 January 2008 regarding the definitions, detailed classifications and updating of the distribution rules for the ESSPROS core system and the pension beneficiary module.

    In addition, the following latest implementing regulations of the Commission are the legal basis of the ESSPROS Net social benefits module:

    Contacts (head of DSO)

    Bondar Olga Anatolyivna
    Department of Social Statistics
    +380 (044) 287-66-22



    Official state statistical information that has not yet been uploaded to the Data Bank. Subsequently, all indicators will be available in the Data Bank.