Supply and use of

    The purpose of the DSO: the formation of statistical information on the volume of sales, the use of electric and thermal energy by enterprises for the information support of the analysis of trends and the structure of energy supply and use, the formation of the energy balance trends and structure of energy supply and use, formation of the energy balance


    DSO unit

    • legal entity (its separate unit)


    Basic statistical indicators 

    • installed electric capacity as of the end of the reporting year
    • installed thermal capacity as of the end of the reporting year
    • release of electricity
    • release of thermal energy
    • amount of electricity used
    • amount of used thermal energy
    • electricity losses
    • heat loss


    Power BI

    Sources of statistical information

    DSS form

    • No. 11-mtp (annual) "Report on supply and use of energy"

    Statistical information:

    • DSO "Structural changes in the economy of Ukraine and its regions"
    • DSO "Costs for the production of agricultural products (works, services)"
    • DSO "Use and stocks of fuel"
    • DSO "Indicators of short-term statistics of production of industrial products by types"
    • DSO "Production and sale of industrial products by types"
    • DSO "Activities of land transport enterprises"
    • DSO "Generation and management of waste"
    • DSO "Register of statistical units"




    International and European norms and standards


    Contacts (head of DSO) 
    Valentina Petrivna Tsyganenko
    Department of Statistics of Foreign Economic Activity and Energy
    +38 044 287-62-33

    Official state statistical information that has not yet been uploaded to the Data Bank. Subsequently, all indicators will be available in the Data Bank.