Use of information and communication technologies at

    The purpose of the SSO: formation of information about the implementation of digital technologies by enterprises for the information support of the analysis of the development of ICT and electronic commerce.


    SSO Unit:

    • enterprise


    Basic statistical indicators:

    • The number of enterprises that have access to the Internet
    • Share of the number of enterprises that have access to the Internet in the total number of enterprises
    • The number of employed workers who have access to the Internet at enterprises
    • The share of the number of employed employees who have access to the Internet in the total number of employed employees of enterprises
    • The number of enterprises that use fixed access to the Internet
    • The share of the number of enterprises that use fixed access to the Internet in the total number of enterprises
    • Share of the number of enterprises with hired specialists, for whom ICT is the main job, in the total number of enterprises
    • Share of the number of enterprises using robotics in the total number of enterprises
    • The number of enterprises that carried out electronic trade
    • Share of the number of enterprises that carried out electronic trade in the total number of enterprises
    • The volume of sold products (goods, services) of enterprises obtained from electronic trade
    • The share of the volume of sold products (goods, services) obtained from electronic trade in the total volume of sold products (goods, services) of enterprises
    • The share of the number of enterprises that conducted training for the purpose of developing their employees' skills in the field of ICT, in the total number of enterprises
    • Share of the number of enterprises that hired or tried to hire specialists in the field of ICT, in the total number of enterprises
    • Share of the number of enterprises that had vacancies for ICT specialists that were difficult to fill, in the total number of enterprises
    • Share of the number of enterprises in which the performance of ICT functions was carried out by external service providers, in the total number of enterprises
    • The share of the number of enterprises that performed "big data" analysis in the total number of enterprises
    • Share of the number of enterprises purchasing cloud computing services in the total number of enterprises
    • Share of the number of enterprises with a website in the total number of enterprises
    • The share of the number of enterprises that have a chat service for communicating with customers in the total number of enterprises
    • Share of the number of enterprises that sent invoices in the total number of enterprises
    • Share of the number of enterprises that used 3D printing in the total number of enterprises
    Power BI

    Sources of statistical information

    Reporting forms:

    • № 1-ICT (annual) "Use of information and communication technologies at the enterprise"



    state statistical observations 

    • "Structural changes in the economy of Ukraine and its regions";
    • "Assets, equity, liabilities and financial results of enterprises"
    • "Register of statistical units"


    International and European norms and standards:



    Naumova Svitlana Viktorivna
    Department of Structural Statistics
    +38 (044) 287 65 49


    Official state statistical information that has not yet been uploaded to the Data Bank. Subsequently, all indicators will be available in the Data Bank.