Network and activities of educational
The purpose of DSO: formation of information on the characteristics of educational institutions, as well as scientific institutions that prepare higher education candidates for the
The purpose of DSO: formation of information on the characteristics of educational institutions, as well as scientific institutions that prepare higher education candidates for the
Purpose of the SSO: Formation of information on the costs of scientific research and development and the executors who carry them out, for the information support of the analy
The purpose of the DSO: Formation of information on the financing of the education system
The purpose of the SSO: the formation of information on the number, sex-age composition and natural movement of the population for the information support of the analysis of the de
The purpose of the SSO: formation of information about the implementation of digital technologies by enterprises for the information support of the analysis of the development
The purpose of the SSO: the formation of information on the migratory movement of the population for the information support of the calculation of the population size and indicator
The purpose of the SSO: formation of information about the creation and implementation of innovations by enterprises for informational support of the analysis of innovative ac