Business activity state of
Purpose of the SSO: formation of information on the prospects for the development of business activity of enterprises for the information support of
Purpose of the SSO: formation of information on the prospects for the development of business activity of enterprises for the information support of
The purpose of the SSO: formation of short-term statistical information on the volume of construction products produced by enterprises engaged in construction activities, for infor
The purpose of the SSO: formation of short-term statistical information on the production of industrial products by types of business entities that
The purpose of the SSO: formation of short-term statistical information on the volume of industrial products sold by enterprises that carry out indu
Purpose of the SSO: formation of information regarding the start and completion of new construction of buildings to provide the information needs of users.
The purpose of the SSO: formation of annual statistical information on the production and sale of industrial products by types of business entities that carry out industrial activ