Activities of ground transport

    The purpose of the SSO: formation of information on the transportation of goods and passengers by land transport for the information provision of market analysis of road, railway and urban electric transport services, statistics of national accounts.


    SSO unit:

    • enterprise
    • local unit by type of economic activity


    Main statistical indicators:

    • volume of transported goods
    • freight traffic
    • number of transported passengers
    • passenger traffic
    • total mileage of cars
    • operational length of railway tracks and contact networks of urban electric transport
    • operational length of railway tracks
    • length of highways
    • number of wagons (machines) of city electric transport
    • passage of persons across the state border
    • passage of vehicles across the state border
    Power BI

    Sources of information:
    reporting forms:

    • No. 2-tr (annual) "Report on the operation of motor vehicles"
    • No. 51-pass (2 times a year) "Examination of a natural person-entrepreneur carrying out passenger road transport on the route"
    • No. 51-vant (2 times a year) "Examination of a natural person-entrepreneur who carries out freight road transportation on a commercial basis"
    • No. 31-auto (quarterly) "Report on transportation of goods by road transport by types of goods and passengers by types of connections"
    • No. 51-auto (monthly) "Report on transportation of goods and passengers by road transport"
    • No. 2-etr (monthly) "Report on the work of city electric transport"

    Administrative data:

    • Regional state administrations
    • State Agency of Highways of Ukraine
    • Administration of the State Border Service of Ukraine
    • Ukrzaliznytsia
    • State statistical observation "Register of statistical units"



    Oleksiy MYSLINSKY

    Department of short-term statistics



    Official state statistical information that has not yet been uploaded to the Data Bank. Subsequently, all indicators will be available in the Data Bank.