Activities of sea and inland water transport

    The purpose of the SSO: formation of information on the transportation of goods and passengers by sea and inland water transport enterprises for informational support of analysis the water transport services market, statistics of national accounts


    SSO Unit:

    • legal entity and its separate subdivisions


    Main statistical indicators: 

    • volume of transported goods
    • freight traffic
    • number of transported passengers
    • passenger traffic
    • passage of vehicles across the state border
    Power BI

    Sources of statistical information:

    Statistical data:

    reporting forms

    • № 51-water (monthly) "Report on the work of the water transport enterprise"
    • 31-water (quarterly) "Report on the transportation of goods and passengers by water transport"

    SSO data

    • "Register of statistical units"

    Administrative data:

    • Administration of shipping
    • State Hydrographic Service





    Legislation and International and European norms and standards:


    Contacts (head of SSO):
    Oleksiy MYSLINSKY
    Department of short-term statistics