Expenses of enterprises for the maintenance of the

    The purpose of DSS: Formation of information on the costs of enterprises, institutions and organizations for the maintenance of employees in order to determine the average level of such costs and build labor cost indices

    SSO unit:

    • legal entity
    • a separate subdivision of a legal entity

    Main statistical indicators:

    • The average number of employees in full-time equivalent
    • Number of full-time employees
    • The working time fund is calculated per employee
    • Average monthly labor costs of enterprises per full-time employee
    • Average monthly labor costs of enterprises per full-time equivalent employee
    • Labor costs of enterprises in the calculation of one paid hour
    Power BI

    Sources of statistical information:


    • SSO "Survey of enterprises on issues of labor statistics"
    • SSO "Register of statistical units"

    Reporting forms:

    • No. 1-RS (once every four years) "Report on the costs of maintaining the workforce"


    International and European norms and standards:


    Contacts (head of DSS):

    Dyakova Natalya Yuriivna
    Department of Social Statistics
    044 287-70-33

    Official state statistical information that has not yet been uploaded to the Data Bank. Subsequently, all indicators will be available in the Data Bank.