Survey of enterprises on labor

    The purpose of the SSO: formation of information on the number of employees, movement of personnel, hours worked, wage fund and its structure at enterprises, institutions, organizations to determine the average salary, its dynamics, construction of labor cost indices, information support of national accounts statistics.


    Unity of SSO

    • legal entity
    • a separate subdivision of a legal entity


    Main statistical indicators

    • average registered number of full-time employees
    • the share of women in the average registered number of full-time employees
    • the average number of non-registered employees (external part-time employees and those working under civil law contracts)
    • the accounting number of full-time employees at the end of the reporting period, including: those hired on a part-time/weekly basis; are on leave due to pregnancy and childbirth; are on parental leave
    • number of hired/dismissed full-time employees, share in the average registered number of full-time employees; including the number of those dismissed due to: changes in the organization of production and labor (reorganization, reduction in the number or staff of employees)
    • the number of hired/dismissed full-time employees, share in the average registered number of full-time employees
    • the number of full-time employees who were on leave without pay/for the period of termination of work
    • the number of full-time employees who are transferred for economic reasons to part-time work per week
    • the number of full-time employees who participated in strikes
    • the number of full-time employees who are paid 50% or more of working time
    • the share of employees whose wages are paid within the limits of the specified amounts
    • salary fund for full-time and part-time employees
    • salary fund for full-time employees
    • the average salary (nominal) of a full-time employee per month, in % of the minimum salary; per hour; for the period since the beginning of the year
    • average monthly salary (nominal) of a full-time employee for the quarter/year
    • index of real wages for the previous month
    • to the corresponding month of the previous year
    • the number of hours worked by full-time employees
    • the number of unworked working hours by full-time employees due to: leave without pay/for the period of termination of work
    • transfer for economic reasons to a part-time  working day/week
    • the number of unworked working hours by full-time employees due to mass absenteeism (strikes)
    • the number of registered collective agreements
    • the number of persons covered by collective agreements
    • labor cost indices
    Power BI
    Quality reports



    • reporting form No. 1-PV (monthly) "Work report"
    • reporting form No. 1-PV (quarterly) "Labor report"
    • SSO "Register of statistical units"
    • SSO "Changes in prices (tariffs) for consumer goods (services)"


    Administrative data

    • data of the State Register of mandatory state social insurance






    International and European norms and standards 



    Nataliya Oleksandrivna Usyk
    Department of Social Statistics

    Official state statistical information that has not yet been uploaded to the Data Bank. Subsequently, all indicators will be available in the Data Bank.