Households living conditions
The purpose of the state statistical observation (SSO): Formation of information on socio-demographic characteristics, conditions and standard of living of households for a compreh
The purpose of the state statistical observation (SSO): Formation of information on socio-demographic characteristics, conditions and standard of living of households for a compreh
Purpose of DSO: Formation of information on the financing of the social protection system
Purpose of DSO: formation of statistical information on production, import-export of fuel and energy, fuel stocks, distribution of fuel and energy according to directions of use by
The purpose of the SSO: formation of statistical information on prices for natural gas and electricity, the volumes of their consumption in terms of standard groups of consume
The purpose of the SSO: formation of statistical information on the volumes of usage and reserves of fuel by business entities for the information support of the analysis of t
The purpose of the SSO: formation of information on the population's payment of housing and communal services for the information support of monitoring and evaluation of the e
The purpose of the DSO: the formation of statistical information on the volume of sales, the use of electric and thermal energy by enterprises for the information support of the an