Notification of conducting electronic consultations with the public regarding draft order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On approval of the plan of state statistical observations for 2024"
The State Statistics Service submits for public discussion the draft order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On approval of the plan of state statistical observations for 2024" (hereinafter referred to as the draft order).
The draft order was developed to implement Clause 2 of Article 22 of the Law of Ukraine "On Official Statistics" with the aim of providing the state and society with unbiased and objective official state statistical information on economic, social, demographic, environmental, cultural and other spheres of society in Ukraine and its regions.
The draft plan of state statistical observations for 2024 includes descriptions of state statistical observations that contain information about the purpose of their conduct, methodological documents and tools, sources of statistical information, as well as a list of statistical indicators (with sections on their development) that are distributed based on the results of state statistical observation . The list of information is annually reviewed and improved, taking into account changes in national legislation.
Implementation of the draft order will have a positive impact on users of state statistical observation data in terms of timely receipt of unbiased and objective official state statistical information.
You can familiarize yourself with the draft order and the materials attached to it at the link: draft order, explanatory note. Please send proposals and comments by June 2, 2023 to the email address: office@ukrstat.gov.ua using the following form:
Content of the draft order | Suggested comments/suggestions | Justification of comments/suggestions |