Indicators of short-term statistics of production of industrial products by
The purpose of the SSO: formation of short-term statistical information on the production of industrial products by types of business entities that
The purpose of the SSO: formation of short-term statistical information on the production of industrial products by types of business entities that
The purpose of the SSO: formation of short-term statistical information on the volume of industrial products sold by enterprises that carry out indu
The purpose of the SSO: formation of annual statistical information on the production and sale of industrial products by types of business entities that carry out industrial activ
The purpose of the SSO: formation of statistical information on foreign investments in Ukraine; investments of residents abroad and about relationships within the framework of fore
The purpose of the SSO: formation of information about accidents at work for information provision of analysis of the level of injuries at
The purpose of the SSO: formation of information about the health care system.
The purpose of the SSO: formation of information on export-import of services for the needs of drawing up foreign trade and payment balances of Ukraine, assessment of the developme