Agricultural activity of the population in rural

    Purpose of the DSO: formation of information about the agricultural activity of households in rural areas for the information provision of calculations of production volumes and sales of plant and animal products, average prices for them, compilation of economic accounts of agriculture


    DSO Unit

    • household
    • individual 


    Basic statistical indicators

    • The average size of the land area of the household
    • The share of land shares and leased plots in the total land area of households
    • The average total size of the area of land shares and leased plots
    • The share of households by gender of persons who head them, in the total number of households
    • Average age of household heads
    • The share of the rural population that owns the rights to agricultural land in the total number of the rural population engaged in agricultural activities
    • The share of women who own rights to agricultural land in the total number of the rural population who own rights to agricultural land
    • The share of agricultural land by species in the total area of agricultural land
    • The share of the sown area of a certain group of agricultural crops in the total sown area
    • The share of the sown area of a certain agricultural crop in the total sown area of the corresponding group of agricultural crops
    • The share of arable land that was not sown for the current year's crop in the total area of arable land
    • Number of fruit and berry plantations per 10 households
    • The share of households keeping farm animals of any kind in the total number of households
    • Share of households keeping farm animals of a certain species in the total number of households keeping farm animals of any species
    • Number of farm animals per 10 households, poultry per household
    • Share of households that do not keep farm animals of a certain species in the total number of households
    • Share of the number of farm animals by sex and age groups in the total number of farm animals of the corresponding group
    • Share of the number of farm animals by group of households in which they are kept, in the total number of farm animals of the corresponding species
    • The share of households with appliances in the total number of households
    • The share of households with a certain type of equipment in the total number of households with equipment
    • The share of the harvested area of a certain agricultural crop in its sown area
    • Yield of agricultural crops
    • The amount of crop production obtained per 100 households
    • Sown area of winter crops per 100 households 
    • The share of the sown area of winter crops in the arable area
    • The share of the sown area of winter crops that died in the autumn-winter period, in the area of sown winter crops
    • The rate of increase (decrease) in the number of farm animals
    • The number of farm animals received by households, per 1,000 farm animals of the respective species at the end of the month 
    • The number of farm animals that left households, per 1,000 farm animals of the corresponding species at the beginning of the month
    • Feed costs for feeding farm animals per head
    • Feed costs for feeding farm animals per household
    • The amount of livestock products produced in households, calculated per one farm animal of the relevant species and per 100 households
    • The rate of increase (decrease) in the number of livestock products obtained in households, per one farm animal of the corresponding species and per 100 households 
    • The number of self-produced agricultural products sold by households, per 100 households
    • Rate of increase (decrease) in the amount of agricultural products of own production, sold by households, per 100 households
    • The share of the amount of agricultural products of own production sold by households in the amount of products produced by them
    • Number of farm animals sold by households, per 100 households
    • Cost of one farm animal sold by households
    • The volume of stocks of agricultural products in households per 100 households
    Power BI
    Quality reports

    Sources of statistical information


    reporting forms

    • No. 01-SGN (once a year) "Basic interview questionnaire"
    • No. 02-SGN (monthly) "Monthly interview questionnaire"
    • data of DSS "Objects of household accounting"




    Contacts (head of DSO)
    Yulia Volodymyrivna Yemchenko
    Department of Household Surveys 
    +38 (044) 235 31 22