Special IMF Data Dissemination Standard
On January 10, 2003, Ukraine officially became the 52nd country (the first among the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States) to join the Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDS) of th
On January 10, 2003, Ukraine officially became the 52nd country (the first among the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States) to join the Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDS) of th
Purpose of the SSO: formation of information on housing price indices for information support monitoring of the impact on economic activity and financial stability of the coun
The purpose of the SSO: formation of information on price indices of manufacturers of industrial products and average prices of manufacturers of industrial products for inform
The purpose of the DSO: formation of information on price indices of service producers for the information support of monitoring and analysis of price processes in the econom
Purpose of the SSO: formation of information on price indices in construction for information support of the needs of construction statistics, national accounts and user need
The purpose of the SSO: formation of information on consumer price indices, basic consumer price index and average consumer prices for information s