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Expectations of industrial enterprises in February 2025 regarding the development of their business activity
Expectations of retail trade enterprises in І quarter 2025 regarding the development of their business activity
Expectations of construction enterprises in I quarter 2025 regarding the development of their business activity
Expectations of agriculture enterprises in I quarter 2025 regarding the development of their business activity
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Purpose of the SSO: formation of information on price indices in construction for information support of the needs of construction statistics, national accounts and user needs
SSO Unit:
The purpose of the SSO: formation of information on consumer price indices, basic consumer price index and average consumer prices for information support of forecasting and management of pricing processes in the consumer market, needs of national accounts statistics, short-term and social statist
The purpose of the SSO: formation of information on the number of employees, movement of personnel, hours worked, wage fund and its structure at enterprises, institutions, organizations to determine the average salary, its dynamics, construction of labor cost indices, information support of national accounts statistics.
Purpose of the SSO: formation of information on the prospects for the development of business activity of enterprises for the information support of the analysis of expected trends in the economy of Ukraine.
DSO units:
The purpose of the SSO: formation of information on the volume of capital investments carried out by economic entities and persons, for the information support of the analysis of trends and the structure of capital investments, statistics of national accounts and other users.
Purpose of the DSO: formation of information on the financial state of enterprises for the analysis of the financial and economic activity of enterprises, tracking the dynamics of their main financial indicators, compilation of indicators of structural statistics and updating
The purpose of the DSO: formation of information on price indices of service producers for the information support of monitoring and analysis of price processes in the economy, national accounts statistics and short-term statistics
DSO unit:
All data of published sets can be studied and filtered by certain indicators directly on the portal using the Dataset Explorer
All datasets, whether filtered segments or complete sets, are available for download in three formats: Excel, CSV and SDMX
Set, time series, and metric metadata provide additional information to better understand the data
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The operative estimate of the GDP for Q I, 2024 was made
The real GDP for Q I, 2024 as compared to Q IV, 2023 (seasonally adjusted) increased by 1,2%, when compared to Q I, 2023 it increased by 6,5%.
The preliminary estimate of the GDP for 2023 was made
The real GDP for 2023 as compared to 2022 increased by 5,3%.
Nominal GDP was 6537,8 bln. UAH.
Presentation of the Open SDG Platform in Ukraine
Presentation of the Open SDG Platform in Ukraine
The procedure and conditions for using the data of the National State Registry of Ukrainian Enterprises and Organizations
To the attention of EDRPOU users