Balances of the main products of crop and livestock
The purpose of the SSO: formation of information on the volume of income and use of the main products of crop and livestock production, the volume of food consumption by the popula
The purpose of the SSO: formation of information on the volume of income and use of the main products of crop and livestock production, the volume of food consumption by the popula
The purpose of the SSO: formation of information on the transportation of goods and passengers by sea and inland water transport enterprises for informational support of
The purpose of the SSO: formation of information on the transportation of cargo and passengers by air transport enterprises for the information support of the analysis of the
The purpose of the SSO: formation of information on the volumes of cargo transportation by enterprises of main pipeline transport for the information support of analysis of th
The purpose of the DSO: formation of information on the receipt of grain, leguminous and oilseed crops at processing and storage enterprises, for the information support of drawing
The purpose of the SSO: formation of information on the population's payment of housing and communal services for the information support of monitoring and evaluation of the e
The purpose of the SSO: formation of information on the arrival of live agricultural animals at processing enterprises, for information support of drawing up food balances, an
The purpose of the DSO: formation of information on the receipt of raw milk at processing enterprises, for the information support of drawing up food balances, analysis of the milk
The purpose of the SSO: formation of information about the creation and implementation of innovations by enterprises for informational support of the analysis of innovative ac
Purpose of the SSO: Formation of information about characteristics of сollective accommodation facilities, the number of people who stayed