Households living conditions
The purpose of the state statistical observation (SSO): Formation of information on socio-demographic characteristics, conditions and standard of living of households for a compreh
The purpose of the state statistical observation (SSO): Formation of information on socio-demographic characteristics, conditions and standard of living of households for a compreh
The purpose of the SSO: the formation of information on the amount of emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere from stationary and mobile sources of polluti
The purpose of the SSO: the formation of information on the costs of environmental protection for the information support of the analysis of costs for environmental protection, the
The purpose of the DSO: the formation of information about the demand for environmental protection services and their supply, the relationships that arise between residents in the
The purpose of the SSO: formation of information on the transportation of goods and passengers by land transport for the information provision of market analysis of road, rail
The purpose of the DSS: the formation of information on the amount of pollutants and greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere from the production activities of residents within the
The purpose of the SSO: formation of information on the transportation of goods and passengers by sea and inland water transport enterprises for informational support of
The purpose of the SSO: formation of information on the transportation of cargo and passengers by air transport enterprises for the information support of the analysis of the
The purpose of the SSO: formation of information on the volumes of cargo transportation by enterprises of main pipeline transport for the information support of analysis of th
The purpose of the SSO: formation of information on the population's payment of housing and communal services for the information support of monitoring and evaluation of the e